August 2014 I stumbled upon Dirk Van der Linden playing the hammond organ on a youtube video. Quite impressed I looked up more info on Dirk. He turned out to be Belgian as well, I sent my kudos through Dirk's facebook wall, and a couple of days later, we got talking through PM. I invited Dirk over for a jam since I happened to have 2 hammond organs set up at that time. DIrk agreed but, surprisingly, asked me if I'd rather have him bringing his guitar? As fortune would have it, I was looking for a guitar player to start a hammond organ jazz trio with and couldn't believe this guy played the guitar as well. Needless to say I agreed to Dirk's request to bring in his guitar. We soon met and, as if we'd been doing so for decades, played and complemented each other. Little later, Dirk introduced Laurent Mercier on drums, and that is how LAURENS'B was born. In Januari 2015 we recorded our first album to be released officially in september 2015. LAURENS'B is a modern jazz trio with a hybrid organ sound, that plays original work as well as interpretations of classic jazz standards from blues, bebop, to funk.
For more info visit or contact